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Consider fabric content….. when shopping next

The number of fabrics used in making our clothes, that we enjoy only for a couple of wears aren’t that many. We can broadly classify them in 3 major types of fabrics; natural textiles, synthetic (man-made) textiles, and blend of both.

But there are repercussions of buying excess clothing; the high we get, only lasts for few seconds, minutes or days. But this very harmless indulgence has put us and the planet in crisis.

Can you spare some minutes and check few items in your wardrobe? Which fabric do you have most in common? I am taking a guess its synthetic fabrics!

(*This Market Research Report (2016) Cellulose Fiber Market Analysis by Product Type (Natural, Synthetic), By Application (Textile, Hygiene, Industrial), By Regions (North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Central and South America, Middle East and Africa), and Segment Forecasts, 2014–2025 (accessed 24 August 2017)

Each of that extra clothing that we are buying is made from synthetic fabrics. It would be a better way if we reused, repurposed our existing clothes or buy from thrift stores or wear second hand clothing.

But sometimes we like a new print or a pattern and have to shop something new, it would be valuable if we consider fabric composition for each new item we bought. Recycled cottons or rayon's are better. As buying cottons or linens is expensive but they are better than synthetic fabrics, which are very cheap but not biodegradables and they are causing micro plastic pollution that is harmful for our planet.

Below are the excerpts from World economic forum blog;

‘Washing clothes, releases 500,000 tons of microfibers into the ocean each year — the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.
Many of those fibers are polyester, a plastic found in an estimated 60% of garments. Producing polyester releases two to three times more carbon emissions than cotton, and polyester does not break down in the ocean.
A 2017 report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that 35% of all micro plastics — very small pieces of plastic that never biodegrade — in the ocean came from the laundering of synthetic textiles like polyester. Overall, micro plastics are estimated to compose up to 31% of plastic pollution in the ocean.’


Hence being conscious about the way we shop and spending extra time on what we really need will benefit our future greatly.

Let’s be part of the solution, and become a generation that wants to buy the change we want see in the world. Together we can educate each other and take small steps to creating a better just world.

We don't have to sacrifice on our pleasures, but we can all be a little thoughtful on how we spend our irreplaceable time & plentiful money to build back our planet.

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